How far is this Right , Right ?

When you drive on Indian roads , the left is always right . Which is to say that you need to drive on the left hand side of the road in order to avoid accidents. In politics if we say , the left is never right as propounded by many . Those on the other side of the saw say that right is indeed making the society to meet accidents like communal riots, lynching etc. Then what is right and what is left ? These are not just ideologies, it shapes mind of people all over the world . Not just of Indians , globally as well.
Global politics is a game of wise . Countries are at warheads with each other, not just hot wars like those of the 20th century but a situation like today’s Trade war is no less than hot wars. The world is facing problems of immigration , climate change , poverty etc. In such a situation what role does an ideology play. Ideology of the heads of different countries reflect the world opinion . When major powers have conflicting set of ideas, it escalates into tensions all over the world .
If you see the major powers of the world at present , the heads of major powers have right wing ideologies. May it be US President Donald Trump who rose from the idea of American first , his anti-immigration stand , trade policy , withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord all aiming to secure American interests at the first place. However, whether his policy has really accrued benefits to American people is subject to intense debates.
 The rise of a leader like Marine le pen , a popular nationalist in the mode of Donald Trump is again towards a world where nationalist policies are becoming attractions in the masses . A new poll confirms that the battle for the French republic, torn between nativism and globalism, is trending in Le Pen’s favor. She follows the same protectionist stand in economic reforms with her idea of a FREXIT that aims to separate France from the EU on similar lines like that of the UK , immigration policy more or less similar to Trump with her plan of cutting immigration numbers to 10000 per year . France is a major European nation and a permanent member of UN which shows how world opinion is shifting towards nationalist stands.
In the Elections held in January , Jair Bolsonaro became the president in Brazil. He is known firstly for his strong opposition to left wing policies. Jair Bolsonaro campaigned for president on the slogan, “Brazil before everything, and God above all.” This is again a Brazil version of American first idea. Bolsonaro has also often been compared to US President Donald Trump; both have a reputation for incendiary rhetoric, have tried to build campaigns on promises to end corruption and crack down on crime and chaos, both are said to be misogynistic with Bolsonaro being anti-LGBTQ and racist in political tones.
Another in the line is Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who again is a nationalist. His public fight with Barack Obama and the way he is sceptic about Iran nuclear deal all shows his stance . Time and again, the White House has been praising Israel which became more evident when US embassy was shifted to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. Such is the case with Hungarian far right Prime Minister Viktor Orban who was recently welcomed and highly applauded by Donald Trump for his anti-immigration policy. This reminds me of Trump also praising  Modi time and again for the way he has transformed India. While political opinions of Modi and Trump do match to a great extent but Modi lies in the list of moderate right with Vladimir Putin .
How does such political equations work , how do they affect global politics. Is this nationalist trend of global politics in the spirit of a peaceful world ? Questions abound but answer to these questions are evident through the policies these people have been carrying in their reign . Reign reminds me of the infamous ‘Reign of Terror' of Robespierre in France. Many would compare Robespierre with Trump . Moreover he can be one especially for the immigrants which move from latin America to US in large numbers. At the same time he can be called a torchbearer of the Americans who are sceptic to these immigrants calling them as criminals , drug suppliers and encroaches of American resources. But calling Robespierre as Trump and Modi as Hitler is a fashion of nowadays. More over fashions come and go , many fade after some time , many abound .
The question which this article raises is whether this Right wing global politics really right or not . Well history says that Right wing politics has been the reason of what we saw in Hitler's Germany , Mussolini's Italy . It resulted in the disastrous World War which ended with a war crime whose remnants are still evident. Japan blew with Little Boy and Fat Man ,  the images of which scared many , indeed they do scare us now as well . Then will such a Right wing trend not lead us to a World War ? Or this right wing is different from the one we saw in 1940’s. I believe leaders like Trump , Bolsonaro , Pen , Netanyahu  or even Modi for that matter are Rightist but they depart from the views of Hitler and Mussolini. Bolsonaro is against LGBTQ rights , Trump and Orban are against immigration , Pen is a big nationalist in the making but these people are not of the opinion of Gassing Jews like Hitler did or Raping Women the way Mussolini did. One can counter me by saying that gone are the days when people were killed the way Hitler killed , we have now what we call human rights . But still human rights or human values of allowing immigrants to enter in their borders resulting in increased crime and drug supply is not in interest of a nation . So does Trump say at the first place. Although his policy orientation might be different but his idea is somewhere In his line of America first.
 Another reason why we can’t call this situations as something which might escalate into World War is the fact that most global powers have nation heads which represent almost the same ideology. Yes a departure of Putin and his closeness with China might make us Sceptic but that too would hardly lead into a World War. Pen , Trump , Netanyahu , even Bolsonaro, Japanese PM Abe too being a nationalist and Modi having close Ties with Israel would prove to be deterrent even if China , Iran and Russia join Hands.
This article won’t be complete until I write about the reason why such Nationalist and even Far- Right people are gaining signifance and are being elected democratically. Yes I do know about congress questioning EVM's and Democrats being sceptic of Russian interference in US elections , but I don’t think any Skepticism with regard to Pen leading the President's race or Netanyahu and Abe being re-elected.  One possible reasons why such people are winning the elections are the extreme liberal left view which many people held. The rule of left wing parties led to over liberalization, the impact of which led to departure from the values of Nationalism , country hood. This liberal attitude led to degradation of national values . Why a Misogynistic image that Trump carried even became POTUS is the fact that he struck upon values of America first , he emphasized on revival of American culture or American lives. This was the reason why the Conservative White's voted him and made him the US president . Same theory goes with leaders like Bolsonaro , Modi , Abe , Netanyahu, Pen and right right wing ideologues winning .
However it will be better if these global leaders follow Aristotle's idea of Golden mean- virtue lies in finding middle path. Instead of Bolsonaro completely rejecting LGBTQ rights and Trump and Pen throwing their wrath on immigrants , they should necessary move towards a golden mean . This right will then be right in true sense.


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