Happy Good Day, Women
Simon de Beauvior said- 'She was born a female but the society made her a women.
The above quote tries to question the society that it was god who created the idea of sex but the greedy idea of human nature made that sex turn into gender and attached and made female turn into a women as someone who would bear children , do the domestic chores and all sought of other work that a 'women' willingly or unwillingly does. Such feminist thoughts try to question the binary of gender versus sex and believe to wipe down the idea of gender and want sex to decide on its own what to do and what not to do. Well the idea of sex always looks attractive as god made someone a female not just to bear a child but also to do all that a men does. At this point , many would question that a women at many times do willingly accept the role of a housewife and accordingly does everything with full self consent. Now the arrow of this thought give birth to feminist debates. Even if some does, the liberal individualist idea upon which today's society is essentially made off treats every individual as a means and even if one is not doing so with consent , it is something which needs to be changed. Also on the point of women accepting such domestic onus with complete acceptance, if given a chance to them to work also along with what they are doing , I believe every women would willingly work as well. Off course someone who wants just to enjoy at home is an exception and needs not be counted for sure.
While thinking of the heading for the article, I thought to put it as ' Happy Pink Day ' but I paused for a second and I removed it. The reason I did so was that I thought of the radical feminist idea which also questions the belief that a boy is wrapped in blue coloured towel and a baby girl in a pink towel. Now some think pink as a light colour and they hate the idea of women attached to pink colour. To those one can say, pink indeed is power and the idea of some pink coloured flags waving up in the sky makes someone think of a women show rolling on a stage is socially accepted in society. And colour and politics has and will always be inter-connected. White stands for peace, black to condemn. Also the religion politics has made saffron for Hindus and green for muslims. But I thought not to generalise pink to women just on the claim that the status quo understand pink as this only. Accordingly I decided to put it just a 'Happy' day.
Now let's come to the big day. Today, the granting of suffrage rights was something first wave of feminism sought to win and was understood as a landmark in the feminist movement. To celebrate this, the day began to be identified for women wherein the world community puts fancy stories, posts and tweet for some change. Well the ironic part is , this light of change starts at late night the day before and ends by the late night of the same day itself. This is never to say that such days need not to be celebrated but to say that such days should be an assessment as to how have women the primary stakeholders have progressed in the bygone year.
We see stories showing a women Defence Minister chairing an all men meeting of Airforce officers and senior bureaucrats of the government. They state this as great achievement of women. I would still at the same time want a wife chairing the dining table of an urban middle class family of North India. The day would be more of an achievement as then the understanding of men as the head of family would be eliminated and feminist idea would prosper in the status quo. That would be 'A Happy Day' for women. The powerful elite families, politicians , bureaucrats in their intellectual circuit sitting in a pub with a scotch blended whisky in the hand talk about women and discuss their status. The change would flow when in a rural household, some men would sit and discuss about how women can be helped and how can they be made better off. For a poor farmer who allows his educated daughter in law to work, feminism might be nothing but his contribution is something which is a major milestone for the feminist ideal to prosper at the first place. The educated would anyway know and would place women importance but the uneducated rural background needs to be changed, only then we would celebrate International Women Day in true sense. The factwhy we celebrate a women pilot siting in the cockpit of an fighter plane is because we have not seen such incidences and that every time we hear a male name called out in the republic day airshow. The day we hear a women name called out, our ears catch to the sound and we celebrate this. This is the same which applies with every women in sports, politics, adventure doing something and becoming national news. This happens because we hardly have some Kalpana Chawla, Arunima Sinha etc. We would celebrate even more when a air show would be done by equal number of women with men, when a Everest contingent would have equal number of women mountaineers and not just one Arunima Sinha or Bachendri Pal.
Let this day not become a fancy little day of stories on social media, make this day to the reach of an Orthodox family where women still take big veil before their husbands, have food once the family is done and all sought of other ethos are practiced. Make them celebrate the day and then put that as your stories on social media with emmenee satisfaction.
Brake them and liberate women. Let everyday be a happy day.
The above quote tries to question the society that it was god who created the idea of sex but the greedy idea of human nature made that sex turn into gender and attached and made female turn into a women as someone who would bear children , do the domestic chores and all sought of other work that a 'women' willingly or unwillingly does. Such feminist thoughts try to question the binary of gender versus sex and believe to wipe down the idea of gender and want sex to decide on its own what to do and what not to do. Well the idea of sex always looks attractive as god made someone a female not just to bear a child but also to do all that a men does. At this point , many would question that a women at many times do willingly accept the role of a housewife and accordingly does everything with full self consent. Now the arrow of this thought give birth to feminist debates. Even if some does, the liberal individualist idea upon which today's society is essentially made off treats every individual as a means and even if one is not doing so with consent , it is something which needs to be changed. Also on the point of women accepting such domestic onus with complete acceptance, if given a chance to them to work also along with what they are doing , I believe every women would willingly work as well. Off course someone who wants just to enjoy at home is an exception and needs not be counted for sure.
While thinking of the heading for the article, I thought to put it as ' Happy Pink Day ' but I paused for a second and I removed it. The reason I did so was that I thought of the radical feminist idea which also questions the belief that a boy is wrapped in blue coloured towel and a baby girl in a pink towel. Now some think pink as a light colour and they hate the idea of women attached to pink colour. To those one can say, pink indeed is power and the idea of some pink coloured flags waving up in the sky makes someone think of a women show rolling on a stage is socially accepted in society. And colour and politics has and will always be inter-connected. White stands for peace, black to condemn. Also the religion politics has made saffron for Hindus and green for muslims. But I thought not to generalise pink to women just on the claim that the status quo understand pink as this only. Accordingly I decided to put it just a 'Happy' day.
Now let's come to the big day. Today, the granting of suffrage rights was something first wave of feminism sought to win and was understood as a landmark in the feminist movement. To celebrate this, the day began to be identified for women wherein the world community puts fancy stories, posts and tweet for some change. Well the ironic part is , this light of change starts at late night the day before and ends by the late night of the same day itself. This is never to say that such days need not to be celebrated but to say that such days should be an assessment as to how have women the primary stakeholders have progressed in the bygone year.
We see stories showing a women Defence Minister chairing an all men meeting of Airforce officers and senior bureaucrats of the government. They state this as great achievement of women. I would still at the same time want a wife chairing the dining table of an urban middle class family of North India. The day would be more of an achievement as then the understanding of men as the head of family would be eliminated and feminist idea would prosper in the status quo. That would be 'A Happy Day' for women. The powerful elite families, politicians , bureaucrats in their intellectual circuit sitting in a pub with a scotch blended whisky in the hand talk about women and discuss their status. The change would flow when in a rural household, some men would sit and discuss about how women can be helped and how can they be made better off. For a poor farmer who allows his educated daughter in law to work, feminism might be nothing but his contribution is something which is a major milestone for the feminist ideal to prosper at the first place. The educated would anyway know and would place women importance but the uneducated rural background needs to be changed, only then we would celebrate International Women Day in true sense. The factwhy we celebrate a women pilot siting in the cockpit of an fighter plane is because we have not seen such incidences and that every time we hear a male name called out in the republic day airshow. The day we hear a women name called out, our ears catch to the sound and we celebrate this. This is the same which applies with every women in sports, politics, adventure doing something and becoming national news. This happens because we hardly have some Kalpana Chawla, Arunima Sinha etc. We would celebrate even more when a air show would be done by equal number of women with men, when a Everest contingent would have equal number of women mountaineers and not just one Arunima Sinha or Bachendri Pal.
Let this day not become a fancy little day of stories on social media, make this day to the reach of an Orthodox family where women still take big veil before their husbands, have food once the family is done and all sought of other ethos are practiced. Make them celebrate the day and then put that as your stories on social media with emmenee satisfaction.
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